News Articles Files Archives Members Area About Us Links Hawai'i state elections endorsements for 2000
By Penfold

President of the US: Ralph Nader. Why? Because Al is going to win Hawai'i anyways and Ralph had the common courtesy to at least campaign here. Can Al or W. say the same thing?

State Constitutional amendments:

  1. UH self-autonomy: I’m going to have to go with the UHPA and say no. What UH needs is real autonomy, not fake autonomy like Ka Lahui is willing to settle for.
  2. Tax review commission every 10 year: I have no idea why this issues requires a constitutional amendment. Because I take amending the constitution of Hawaii very seriously, I’m going to have to say no to this also. I mean, this should be able to be settled in the law making process.
  3. Staggered senate terms: I hate political sign waivers, anything we can do to reduce the amount of sign waivers, gets a vote from me. Vote yes.
U.S. Senate: Dan Akaka’s seat is up for grabs, but he is expected to win nicely, so vote for a 3rd party. We endorse Lloyd Mallan (L) perpetual Senate candidate or Lauri Clegg (N). We like Lauri because she’s the closest thing to a green candidate running for senate. Libertarians are always good, if for nothing else, to add a totally different point of view.

U.S. House 1st district, Urban Hawai'i: This means for all you living in Oahu. Tokenasians endorses both Neil Abercrombie (D) and Jerry Murphy (L). Neil started off as a flaming liberal and would have probably been a sole endorsement if it wasn’t for him cutting his pony tail off and abandoning the flaming liberals. Murphy gets the nod for having the balls to list membership in both the National Rifle Association (NRA) and the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML).

U.S. House 2nd district, Rural Hawaii: This is mainly the neighbor islands, but I think rural Oahu gets to vote on these too. We are endorsing Patsy Mink (D). Yes, Patsy is part of the machine, but the only other endorsement we could make is to leave it blank. I heard Russ Francis (R) on NPR (Talk of the Islands I think) and he sounded like a complete idiot. He can’t logically debate his way out of a paper bag (kinda like their presidential candidate, W.). The Libertarian candidate is a bit too libertarian for our tastes.

Board of Education: Think of this as our anti-endorsement list. Vote for anyone but these candidates. At Large: Carol Gabbard, Lex Brodie, and Jacqueline Heupel. Honolulu County: Denise Matsumoto and Malcolm Kirkpatrick. Leeward Oahu: Ronald Nakano. And Central Oahu: Daniel Romero and Jeff Rezentz.

OHA: We are not doing any endorsements for OHA as there are just too many candidates. We recommend these guidelines when voting for OHA. Native Hawaiian ancestry of the candidates doesn’t matter. There are just as many part-Hawaiians who have been co-opted by western thinking as there as non-Hawaiians who care for the Kanaka Maoli. We also support candidates who support full independence. The nation within a nation is doomed to fail. What makes anyone think that the “tribe” of Hawaiians won’t get screwed just like every other tribe in the BIA.

County of Hawaii mayor: Although neither web masters live on the big Island, we’ll stick our nose in there anyways. For Mayor, we endorse Keiko Bonk (G). We generally support all other Greens in the Big Island. Why, because they are hard core supporters of “alternative” agriculture. All the Puna residents know what I’m talking about.


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